Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Scouring the Interwebs

This morning has been full of me preparing to really buckle down with this whole "writing a blog" thing. I've been wanting to do it for over a year, and I have, sporadically. I think I finally have the time and ambition to realize that goal.

So, I have spent my morning looking at all the blogging conferences happening this year, reading other blogs, looking at styles and ways women have gone before me have done all this. What I'm seeing is both daunting and exciting.

Much like in my parenting, I have so many doubts about my ability to write well. Add to that my chosen subject, my special needs child, and I am very nervous. From my previous entries you know that Thomas (T) has SPD and we are now seeking an Autism diagnosis. Much like the journey to parenting him well, writing this blog well is scary, and at the same time exciting, and satisfying. It is definitely a labor of love, and one that I am so excited to embrace as I have being the best mom I can to my special needs son.

There is going to be a whole lot of stumbles, lots of trying and failing, and hopefully some successes along the way.

I suppose I am starting a new journey in more ways than one. A new journey to better help my son. A new journey to educate my friends, family and a few strangers about Thomas' life. Maybe the most exciting journey of all, the one where I do something for me. Where I write about all of these things instead of keeping them bottled up.

Wish us luck!

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