Friday, February 10, 2012

The good times

Life with my 5 year old, SPD kiddo can be tough...

But then there are the good times. The past two weeks have been so smooth, that I imagine this is what it's like to have a neurotypical kid. T has been so great! His body is organized, his focus is sharp, he's flexible and generally happy.

It's times like this that remind me that all the hard work we put into his therapies is worth it. The exercises, the weighted vest, the making special meals, and the focus on games that improve his SPD symptoms are all working.

The last two weeks I have received nothing but good reports from T's teachers, his OT and his PT. At home he has worked so hard on being flexible when his schedule has to change, and very honest when he needs it to stay the same. T has been very vocal about what will help him keep "his engine in the green," and we have worked as a team to make those things happen. He has been patient and controlled when his needs had to wait for a few minutes, and I have been very careful to make sure that I take the time to help him. It's been a partnership made in heaven.

At school, T has been flexible with change. He has participated in activities that he usually tries to fight, like music class, and he has been kind to his friends. T has been following directions, and has volunteered to help around the classroom.

At OT/PT, my usually unfocused, sensory seeking boy has been calm, and focused on the activities. He's been respectful, and eager to work hard. There has been more improvement in both therapies in the last two weeks, than there was in the past two months. He has come out of the therapy office smiling, and feeling extremely proud of his work. It is an awesome change.

At home, T has been wonderful. He has been happy to play with toys by himself while I do work around the house. He has been a wonderful host to a few playdates, and even politely ended the playdate when he was too overwhelmed. He has taken quiet breaks when he needed them, and taken jumping or spinning breaks when those feel right. There have been fewer arguments, and he has even tried a few new foods.

Sometimes it feels like we take two steps forward and three back, and it's so easy to get stuck on the hard times. I am so thankful that, this time, I am able to step back, relax and enjoy this period of calm. I hope that this break will leave T and I more rested and prepared to deal with whatever challenge is next.

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